Saturday, August 23, 2008

Just felt like doin' it

Four random things I love about my husband :
1. He's an awesome dad.
2. He likes to cook. (for me)
3. He always puts much thought into his gift giving.
4. He's very smart and dedicated.

Four jobs I’ve had:
1. Denny's.
2. Burger King.
3. Hooters.
4. Olive Garden.

Four movies I have watched more than once:
1. Dirty Dancing.
2. Moulin Rouge.
3. Grandma's boy.
4. Waiting.

Four TV shows I watch
1. Weeds.
2. Desperate Housewives.
3. Hell's Kitchen.
4. Lipstick Jungle.

Four random places I have been:
1. Niagara Falls, Canada.
2. Washington, D.C.
3. Minneapolis, Minnesota. (Mall of America)
4. Johnston, Rhode Island.

Four of my favorite foods:
1. Mom's Fried Chicken.
2. OG Alfredo Sauce.
3. Brown Bread from Outback Steakhouse.
4. Enchiladas.

Four places I would like to visit:
1. Italy.
2. Greece.
3. Fiji.
4. Australia.

Four things I am looking forward to in the coming year:
1. Ken graduating.
2. Moving home.
3. Starting school, Finally.
4. Mason starting pre-school.

1 comment:

Melanie Kym said...

Haha! I love your "brown bread" answer. You mean rye bread???? Nerd. And I love, love, love your answers in the first section about your husband. Those are some pretty awesome random things, if you ask me. At least you were able to come up with four.